Friday, 6 April 2012

Shiv Tandav Stotram - Ravana

Shiv Tandav Stotram - Ravana
(This piece sung by Uma Mohan)

Being granted the boon of indestructibility (except by a human being), Ravan rampages the earth till he tires and has nothing new to do... that`s when he reaches out again to Lord Shiva asking him the quintessential existential question... "When will I be Happy..?" ( Moksha). Shiva having already granted the boon could not take it back hence directs Ravans to Vishnu.. who incarnates as Rama.. and the rest is history !!

This is one of the very few powerful rendition of this song... many have attempted but this is the closest i think would have come to how Ravana would have sung it !!

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