Friday, 6 April 2012

Shiv Tandav Stotram - Ravana

Shiv Tandav Stotram - Ravana
(This piece sung by Uma Mohan)

Being granted the boon of indestructibility (except by a human being), Ravan rampages the earth till he tires and has nothing new to do... that`s when he reaches out again to Lord Shiva asking him the quintessential existential question... "When will I be Happy..?" ( Moksha). Shiva having already granted the boon could not take it back hence directs Ravans to Vishnu.. who incarnates as Rama.. and the rest is history !!

This is one of the very few powerful rendition of this song... many have attempted but this is the closest i think would have come to how Ravana would have sung it !!

The Feeling Begins - Peter Gabriel

"The Feeling Begins"  - Peter Gabriel 
 for the OST "The Last Temptation Of Christ"

These haunting sounds first eluded me way back in the early 1998-97, when there was a lone FM channel being broadcast  from Bombay, around the time when MTV had just entered the elite homes in India and there was nothing like Channel V or VH1...  Don`t remember the name of the FM channel as it did not live long... but it was probably the first one to play GOOD music on radio. 

It was a mesmerizing  moment when i heard this music for the first time... i had just tuned in and had missed the announcement so did not know who played this or what it was called.. but what was left with me was a lingering   echo in my mind... which i could not explain to anyone else.. especially to the music stores where i was trying to get my hands on this piece of surreal heaven.  I did my best to hum the tune to the college dropout assistance at Planet M (then being the biggest music store) and to explain what the music was like and as there was no lyrics it was an even tougher challenge... and all the best they could come up with was "Enigma" !!!  I gave up my quest.. but that thorn of an echo still lingered in my mind... 

Till one day i was watching a bootlegged DVD of the "Last Temptation" at a friends when The Feeling Began !!!  

Since then i have been chasing exotic/tribal/fusion sounds from the world over.. !! This Blog is an attempt to bring together all the sounds i have come across !!